Time for a Change…

Malachi 3:6 “I am the Lord, and I do not change”

Everything changes! Change affects things we want it to as well as things we rather it didn’t. It does not matter if it’s a hairdo, car, house, friendship or a season everything changes. We must continually remind ourselves that change is a vital part of life.

Our verse shows us that only one thing exists that will never change, and that is God. He is stable, unchanging and solid. He is the firm foundation for us to anchor our life to. God will not change in any way. If something is going to change it will be us, not Him.

People often find change difficult to navigate but it shouldn’t be. God’s Word tells us how to live and adapt to change. The simplest key to winning is for us to obey God’s Word no matter what! In times of change always remember that God’s Word is His Word is His Word! Stick with it and you will discover that His perfect plan will brilliantly come forth and everything will be OK because of it.

This week don’t let change intimidate you. Instead, open your Bible and anchor yourself to God’s Word. Let it change you. God will be there and before you know it things will be getting better. You will train yourself to like change instead of fearing it. Get ready for a powerful week ahead – we love you!

I Agree With You…

Matthew 18:19-20 “I mean this. When two of you get together on anything at all on earth and make a prayer of it, my Father in heaven goes into action. And when two or three of you are together because of me, you can be sure that I’ll be there.”

Nowadays you can order almost anything on-line and get it delivered speedily to your door. It is so easy and convenient that millions shop that way each week. But, did you know that, prayer could be that expedient too?

Our verse today shows that whenever 2 or more believers pray in agreement with Jesus, overcoming power is released. It is delivered rapidly to our doorstep for our use. Now that, to me, is the best kind of on-line shopping!

A key to receive this overcoming power is to agree with Jesus and other believers when we pray. This is called the prayer of agreement. Amos 3:3 says that we can’t even walk together until we agree. That is why our prayers must agree with Jesus and His Word: the Bible. This causes us to walk together and have victory.

This week we want to pray in agreement with you.

Today, EMAIL US at prayer@SpiritWord.com.au and tell us what you would like us to stand in prayer with you about.

We will write each one down in our prayer of agreement book and WE WILL PRAY over them.

As you do this, stay expectant and ready for overcoming power to be express delivered to you from heaven. The works of the enemy can be destroyed in your family as we agree with Jesus!

The Return Policy…

2 Timothy 1:7 “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind

Have you ever received a gift that was completely unsuitable? Then you discover that the store has a return policy. When you take your gift in they will exchange it for something you can really use. You leave with what you actually need.

This verse lets us know that we don’t have to accept every gift that is offered to us. In fact God has a super exchange policy that is available to every believer. He says that if we ever receive the spirit of fear we can come to him and exchange it for power, love and a sound mind. Now that’s a great deal!

Often the spirit of fear tries to blow into our life. It leaves cowardice, timidity, fear and intimidation as gifts for us. These gifts DO NOT come from God, so we don’t want them. We need to exchange them for things that we can always use. God says he will give us explosive spiritual power, agape love and a disciplined self-controlled mind whenever we exchange them with him. Now that’s a great deal!

This week let’s make this great exchange. Come to God with you unwanted gifts of cowardice, timidity, fear and intimidation and exchange them for His gifts of power, love and a sound mind. You will appreciate them and use them continually. You’ll be so glad you swapped them!

Get Ready…

Matthew 18:4 “Whoever becomes like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.”

A few days ago I was at the supermarket waiting in a checkout line. In front of me was a 4-year-old child having a conversation with his grandmother. He was excitedly telling her that he was four and in a few days he would be five. His excitement was uncontainable. He wanted everyone to know that he was approaching a great milestone and that we should all be as expectant as he was.

We must recognize that God really loves this part of a child’s nature. Excitement and expectation are extremely important in life. They are both vital traits that build a great future.

Our verse says that as we exercise such traits they cause us to become great in the Kingdom of heaven. There is no reason for us to exclude excitement and expectancy from our lives. They are designed to help build our present faith and construct our “mountain moving” faith for the future.

So, this week, join us in getting excited about what God has planned for the future. Build expectancy just like the 4 year old at the store. Don’t allow someone else’s wet blankets to put out your newfound fire and zeal. Instead let your excitement and expectation overcome every obstacle in your path. Before long you’ll be celebrating your arrival at the milestone and be looking forward to your next one.

Your Time to Flourish…

1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted the seed in your hearts, and Apollos watered it, but it was God who made it grow.”

Have you ever been in a circumstance where you think to yourself a third hand would be really helpful right now? It doesn’t matter what the situation, we all have times when we need help to successfully complete our assignment.

We must remember that we are each created to be dependent on other people. Every person, no matter how competent, needs help. We are each limited physically, intellectually and spiritually. That is why God created us to work with others. It is the very reason that He surrounded us with family, friends, colleagues and spiritual leaders.

As we all work together, each doing our part, an amazing thing happens. God makes that seed grow. That’s right, He is then able to make our tasks flourish, grow and produce fruit! I’m ready for that, how about you?

This week let’s set our sights on flourishing in God by finding the right people to team up with and take on life’s big challenges. This will activate the principle of growth over our lives. Once our part is done then God is able to complete His part. We will soon discover ourselves surrounded by growth. We will experience the sweet fruit of success. God will cause our lives to flourish like never before.

Never Give Up…

2 Corinthians 4:16 “So we’re not giving up. How could we! Even though on the outside it often looks like things are falling apart on us, on the inside, where God is making new life, not a day goes by without his unfolding grace.”

Have you ever taken a new shirt out of its packet, unfolded it and then tried to get it back in the original packaging? You soon discover that once unfolded it is virtually impossible to return it to its original state.

Grace works in a similar way. As we allow it to unfold, our life changes. Through it we discover that we can never be the same again. Grace keeps unfolding to such a degree that even our old desires and ways are consumed. As grace continues its expansion we soon find that we no longer fit in our old life packet. Praise God!

So, lets have a fresh God Encounter this week by allowing grace to unfold in our lives. The old life packet will soon fall apart revealing a new life marked by grace. Each day allow grace to unfold a little more. Soon we’ll discover that our past has gone and our future is overflowing with His grace. Our new life of grace will cause us to no longer want to give up. We will be able to say, just like Paul the Apostle, “We’re not giving up. How could we!”

Have a great week ahead!

Healing Jesus…

Philippians 2:9 “Because of this, God has also greatly exalted him and he has given him The Name which is greater than all names…”

Today, I sit writing this email in a medical library. There are hundreds of thousands of books stacked on row after row of shelves. They are all filled with information about sickness, disease and infirmities. They cover being unwell in the physical, mental and spiritual realms.

Now, remember that Adam was entrusted by God to name His creations in Genesis 2. Ever since then mankind has given names to everything they discover. Nothing exists that we will not name. So, as I survey this library of books filled with words, I laugh to myself. We have just one word, one name that is above all the multiplied millions of ailments named. We have the name of Jesus!

This is the truth of the GOOD NEWS of the gospel. EVERY knee must bow to the name of Jesus. Every sickness, disease or infirmities must admit defeat. Jesus has already won the victory over them. The battle is already finished!

Are you ready to prepare for a victorious week? We need to take this GOOD NEWS and wage war with it. Lets speak the faith filled name of Jesus against whatever ails us, never taking “no” for an answer. We’ll be staring victory in the face before we know it.

Remember that we continue in pray for you daily. We know that God’s best is pursuing you into your future.

It’s Never Impossible…

Luke 9:13 But Jesus said, “You feed them…”

I just love Jesus! He gives such clear instruction. In this instance the disciples thought He was telling them to do something impossible. In reality Jesus had told them to do something that was difficult but not impossible. Jesus never asks us to do anything that is impossible.

So, Jesus demonstrated exactly how to have victory over a difficult task…

  1. He took what was available
  2. He put His trust in heaven as His source
  3. Prayed & commanded Blessing on what was in his hands

The result was that the little He held was multiplied and became more than enough to complete the task. It was a difficult task but it was not impossible.

It is easy for us to feel challenged by God’s Word and what it tells us to do. The fact is it may be difficult but it is never impossible.

When we feel this way we are to do as Jesus did…

  1. Take what is available
  2. Put our trust in Him as our source
  3. Pray & command Blessing on what we have

The result will be multiplication to achieve the task. We will have more than enough to complete it. Remember it may seem difficult but it will never be impossible.

Why not apply this truth in our lives from today on. I believe we will begin to see the miraculous take place and we will discover that nothing is impossible when we put our trust in God!

Close the Gate…

1 Corinthians 13:1 “If I speak with human eloquence and angelic ecstasy but don’t love, I’m nothing but the creaking of a rusty gate.”

We can all remember the squeak that an old garden gate made or the sound of the creak & slam of the derelict screen door on an old house. We often remember these familiar sounds for a long time. Other strong memories may include a kind and helpful teacher or the person who helped us when no one else would.

Today’s verse helps us to see what actions bring divine value to our life. The key here is “love”. This word comes from the Greek “agape”. This is the type of love that is unconditional and unbounded by anything – it is the type of love God shows to us. It is the type of love God wants us to show to each other.

It doesn’t matter how well we speak of others or how passionate our words are towards them. If we don’t unconditionally love them we sound like that squeaking gate every time we open our mouth. Remember we cannot fool God. His ear is listening for the sweet sound of love every time we speak. He doesn’t want to hear the sound of that loveless gate squeaking again.

Challenge yourself this week to allow the Holy Spirit to invest a new deposit of agape love into your life. Open your Bible and get into God’s Word. The Word will help wash away past offenses and hurt that you may carry. It will be like putting oil on that rusty hinge. The new sound that God hears is sure to bring pleasure to His ears.

A Promise Given…

Ecclesiastes 5:4-5 “When you make a vow to God, don’t delay fulfilling it, because He does not delight in fools. Fulfill what you vow.”

Now, I’m sure you want God to delight in you… we sure do! Our verse tells us a simple way to make this happen. Whenever we make a promise to God we must fulfill it without delay. We must accomplish our part of the vow quickly.

Nowadays people are amazed when you do what you say? In our hectic society it is easy to make promises and never fulfill them. Our words are easily spoken but the route taken to fulfill them is sometimes difficult. Even in the Christian world people find it difficult to do what they promise. It can be a real challenge.

I know there are many things we promise God. We often promise to pray more, to financially help others, to serve and to help or even to plead ways of getting out of the tight spots in life. Remember, God knows every promise that we have made with him. The fact is not what we vowed but it is that we fulfill our part quickly.

This week, allow the Holy Spirit to remind you of the promises you made to God. He will give you a strategy, bathed in mercy and grace, to fulfill them quickly. Then the delight of the Lord will fall upon you. You will be able to walk in fresh favor before both God and man. So why not make this a week to remember!