The Real Life…

Genesis 1:28 “God blessed them: “Prosper! Reproduce! Fill the Earth! Take charge!”

When we meet someone for the first time we often remember the conversation that took place. Those who are married often remember exactly what they said the first time they met each other. These are important times and so we remember them.

Now, today’s verse contains some of the most important words in the whole bible and it is essential that we understand them. They are the first words ever spoken by God to His creation, mankind. They are the first words ever heard by the ears of man and contain the first direction on what we are to achieve in life.

God said He wants us to:

  • Prosper
  • Be Fruitful [Reproduce]
  • Replenish [Fill the Earth]
  • Subdue [Take Charge]

These words describe the overcoming life that God desires us to live. If we live life at anything less we will be living below the potential that God has for us. Remember that God is not speaking of living a selfish and lavish lifestyle. Rather he is describing a victorious life marked by caring and helping others on life’s journey.

This week, activate God’s first words in your day-to-day life. Make a decision that no matter what situation comes your way, you are going to view it His way. Look at the situation [no matter how difficult it seems] and plan how you can make it prosper, be fruitful, replenished and subdued. Life will take on a whole new beauty as you do!

No Longer Religion…

Acts 10:1-2 “There was a man in the city of Caesarea by the name of Cornelius. He was a captain of an Italian group of the army. He and his family were good people and honored God. He gave much money to the people and prayed always to God.”

The bible says Cornelius was a good man who greatly respected God and treated Him with honour, obedience and he gave generous amounts of money to people as he prayed continually.

As we continue to read about Cornelius, we find that God came to him in a vision because of his respect, his honour, his obedience, his prayers and his generous giving. In the vision, God laid out how everything that Cornelius was doing was releasing salvation and healing to his household.

But that’s not all… God also brought the Apostle Peter, a mighty man of God, into Cornelius’ home to release the power of God right into his situation.  Are you getting excited?  We sure are! See how obedience to God and giving generously to support His work on earth releases the power of God into our everyday situations.

Sound amazing?  Well it gets even better.  When the angel of the Lord showed up to Cornelius in the vision, the angel told Cornelius that his prayers and his generous giving were coming up as a MEMORIAL before God! [Acts 10:4]

Your obedience and giving makes a MEMORIAL before God…WOW! Why not become a MEMORIAL builder this week through your obedience and generosity. Partner with Spirit Word [click here] and be like Cornelius in these verses… God has power to release into your world today!

It’s the Highway…

Joshua 1: 6 “Haven’t I commanded you? Strength! Courage! Don’t be timid; don’t get discouraged. God, your God, is with you every step you take.” [MSG]

I love driving between cities on modern highways. They are so much faster and more efficient than driving on old low roads that were built for a horse and cart.

During life’s journey we are continually offered opportunities to take the low road of being timid, fearful and discouraged. God wants us to know that there is a super highway available to us. It is a highway of strength and courage. A highway that will deliver us to our destination faster, efficiently and right on time!

Remember, like Joshua, we must learn to fight fear, discouragement and weakness when they attack us. God told Joshua many times over to be strong and courageous as he faced fear, weakness and discouragement. He is the same God now!

So today… “BE STRONG AND OF GOOD COURAGE.” The future that God has planned for you is full of promise and beauty.  Choose to walk along the highway of strength and courage that He has provided. God is on this road with you every step of the way – SO LET’S GO!

It must be love, love, love…

1 John 4:16 “And we have known and believed the love that God has for us. God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him.” [KJV]

This week on Valentines Day couples all around the world celebrate their love for each other. Each person will express his or her love in a different way. Some will be extravagant with cards, roses, chocolates and dinner while others may be more conservative with a simple “I love you”.

But God has a greater love than all of this! It’s a special type of love called “agape” love. It is an extravagant, selfless, sacrificial, unconditional love that God expresses towards us continually. No matter who we are or what we have done, God wants us to know and believe that He loves us this way. God is full and overflowing with agape love for YOU right now.

What is even more amazing is this: as we soak and bathe in God’s extravagant agape love we will discover that we are actually abiding in Him.  As His love abides in us it oozes through every fibre of our being reaching out to our family, friends and the world.

This week make a choice to abide in God’s agape love. You will then discover His extravagant love abiding in you.

Where to now Lord?

Micah 6:8 “…And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” [NIV]

Do you ever have difficulty discovering exactly what God wants you to do in life? Do you feel continually lost and disorientated? God doesn’t want us to live this way!  His will for our life can be discovered from today’s verse. It’s so easy and simple to apply.

There are only 3 simple things God ALWAYS requires of us:

  1. To Act justly
  2. To Love mercy
  3. To Walk humbly with Him

These 3 things are never just a “one time” event. God asks us to do them our entire life. He simply asks for our obedience to His Word and to love Him with all that is within us.

Its not our job to plan out every moment of our life – that’s God’s job! Our part is to trust God as we walk humbly with Him.  Even when we don’t understand God says to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with Him.

 Remember understanding never supersedes trust.

 Worry and fear cease when we apply these 3 simply keys. Decide today to act justly, love mercy and walk in humility with GOD. Let God take care of the rest and open up your future for you!

Safety Ahead…

Proverbs 4:25-26 “Look straight ahead, and fix your eyes on what lies before you. Mark out a straight path for your feet; stay on the safe path.”[NLT]

Whenever my dad ploughed a field he would look for a tree on the other side of the pasture, focus on it, then drive the plough straight towards it. By doing this each furrow would always be straight and parallel with the rest. This happened because he had lined up a target in the distance and it caused him to chart a straight course.

As you can see, today’s Proverb shows us that we are to do exactly the same in our life. God desires us to look straight ahead and fix our eyes on our future in Him. The result? God says that as we do this we will stay on His safe path. What an awesome promise!

This is why we need to stop wasting time with our past.  The truth is God wants us to set our focus on what lies BEFORE us in Him.  God has great opportunities ahead so keep looking forward and fix your eyes on His future. God will never disappoint you!

Safety Ahead
Safety Ahead

Today is the Day…

Luke 2:11 “For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” (NKJV)

This day actually occurred! Our Saviour was born and He is Christ the Lord. There is no need to doubt or to look for another Saviour because Jesus has already arrived. What a world-changing event our verse proclaims.

Jesus was born especially for you. He eternally changed your direction and restored joy, hope and peace to your life. Our restoration in Jesus was so complete it cannot be lost unless we decide to reject it. But who wouldn’t want joy, hope and peace in their life!

Jesus came to give you, your family and your friends joy, hope and peace. So why not tell them about this Good News when you see them at Christmas? Tell them about Jesus and give the Holy Spirit some seed to work with.  Jesus wants to transform their lives too.

It will be a change that they will be eternally grateful for!

A Royal Occasion…

Psalm 121:5-8 “God’s your Guardian, right at your side to protect you… God guards you from every evil, he guards your very life. He guards you when you leave and when you return, he guards you now, he guards you always.” [MSG]

I remember watching the changing of the guards at Windsor Castle in England. What struck me the most was not the ceremonial pomp of the occasion but the fact that these guards were not actors. These guards were elite professionally trained military soldiers. They were armed and dangerous. Their role was first and foremost to watch over and keep the royal family safe.

Now think about the power of these verses. They tell us that God Himself is guarding and protecting us! God stands watch over our very life. God guards us from evil and He guards us right now.  He guards us as we leave and as we return. God is not ceremonial pomp! God’s guardian power is real and it is for us in every part of our lives.

Remember this week that no matter what you face God is with you so there is no reason to fear. He is constantly vigilant and will never leave His post.  God will watch over you and keep you safe. We are in His royal family.

A Royal Occasion
A Royal Occasion

Bon Voyage…

Matthew 11:28-29 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest.” [MSG]

Do you feel you need a holiday right now? Have you felt like you will fall apart if you don’t get some rest but its just not possible? We have all been there! At these times of life it is vital to remember that there is a promise from God that will help us through. Even in the most stressful times of life this promise is for us.

Here’s how it works: Come to and get away alone with Jesus. Our verse teachs us that as we do this we will actually recover true life and take a real rest.

I know this sounds too good to be true but the reality is… it actually works! Just find a private place and talk to Jesus. Then before you know it He will be there with you. Jesus will recover your life and give you a real rest in His presence!

Bon Voyage my friend!

Bon Voyage
Bon Voyage

Three Gifts for You…

Isaiah 51:11 “Therefore the redeemed of the LORD shall return, and come with singing unto Zion; and everlasting joy shall be upon their head: they shall obtain gladness and joy; and sorrow and mourning shall flee away.” [KJV]

I love a good song. There is nothing like singing out loud to our God. Even if it doesn’t sound perfect to us it is received into the very throne room of heaven as a sacrifice of praise.

This is where our verse fits in.  Because we have been redeemed by Jesus we should be singing God’s praises right into His throne room.  Even if we are in the middle of a trial, God wants us there singing.

As we do this we receive 3 magnificent gifts back from God:

  1. Everlasting Joy
  2. Gladness and Joy
  3. Sorrow and Mourning flee

The key to receiving these gifts is very simple. Just stand in your redemption. How you ask?  Let the redeemed of the Lord say so! Say it, sing it and declare it today!

So if you want everlasting joy, gladness, sorrow and mouring to flee… simply say out loud that you are redeemed of the Lord. These words will carry to heaven as a song of praise and you will receive God’s glorious gifts.

3 Gifts for you
3 Gifts for you